Monday, May 31, 2010


Second period of school was just horrible, I had a breakdown and couldn't stop crying for the rest of the day.
So I texted Mum saying I wanted to come home but she was at work so she got my Nana to come get me.

Whenever someone asked me what was wrong I'd burst out crying and say "I dont know!"

I still dont know why this happend today. Its crazy. Especially at school. I guess everything is getting to me at the moment.

My eyes are still kinda stingy from all the crying, they feel sort of swollen.

Oh, this morning was Stupid!
I got up super early like 6am and at the usual time *8am* I went outside the house with my brother and waited for the bus.
At 8.05am the bus should've arrived, but no.
Then comes 8.30am, waiting another 20 minutes for this stupid bus to arrive got us nowhere.
So Taylor and I got a ride to school with his friend Jenny.

When I got to class there was an announcement on the loudspeaker saying that there was something wrong with the buses this morning so expect a lot of late people to class.

Oh man I was so pissed off at that because its happend a couple of other times with bus drivers not doing their job. and I've had over 5 bus drivers driving the bus in the complete opposite direction it should be going in.

I hate buses anyway. I'd walk to school if it didn't take me an hour and a half to get there.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday and other things

I started tearing up on the bus after school on friday.
I really thought I'd burst out crying.

I've been especially worried lately about my future. At My age I shouldn't even be thinking about it!
This is getting stupid, I keep wondering if I'll hav like a decent job and apartment.

And I've still got a just under a year till this really will start to worry me but I keep freaking out that next year I won't pass NCEA :\
That's actually been on my mind a lot this past month.

I feel like I don't get up to enough, every weekend I'm at home. doing usual.
I feel as if I should be getting up to all sorts of shit with my best friends cause you're only young once and shit. Jeeeeesus.


I think i'm going crazy.

no, more like insane.... yeah, insane.

I want to blog every day now. I love this. I can vent and say whatever, I usually have a loooottt of shit to say. oh neat.

Monday, May 24, 2010


my eyes are stinging from crying.
It hurts to even look at my laptop screen :{

schools gooood as usual. nothing to complain about.
I think I'm getting my hair done this week, going
Bleach Blonde! eep ;D

Rather excited about that, hmmm..
Oh, even though what Im about to talk about
is kinda a few weeks away I'm looking forward to it.
It's Mary-Roses 15th and I've been invited to her party :)
Its on the 26th of June I think,
so yah, looking forward to that.

I don't think she's expecting presents but I'd really like to
buy her a nice necklace that she can wear anywhere.. yeah :)

I wish I had more of an interesting life, so there'd be more to
type about. Haha.

Oh yeah, the weather is extremely crap!
Rain drenching everyones school clothes, nothing to do during breaks,
I guess the weather hasn't realized yet that
Wind + Rain + Wet Crazy Hair = Ugly human mess. Bleh.
And Supposedly theres worse yet to come, oh yeah great -___-

Friday, May 14, 2010


* UPDATE: Sorry, I didnt realise how big the images were going to be ;\ damnit. *

fucking shitty.
cannot be fucked with anything.
i want to update this more regularly.
I should.

Anywho, my friends Jess and Maddy just came round to borrow my leather jacket. I love talking to them. They make everyday so fun haha.
I'm glad their my friends. My life would be boring without them.

I haven't been feeling too good lately. I've been geting headaches more regularly, i hate it.

I'm listening to Salmonella Dub - Wytaliba (Dreadzone Remix) right now, its pretty calming but energizing in a strange way. I love it.

I'm watching my cat, Beau. He's so interesting sometimes. I love him.
When my mum first told me we were getting a cat I was like 'What?! NO WAY! I dont want a cat! whaaat?" at the time I would have much preferred a dog. We got him off my mums friend from work, he was the runt of the litter. We got him after dad came out of hospital. I do remember getting him around the middle or end of January this year. I'm glad we got him.

my family was pretty down about what happend to my dad, so getting Beau actually made us much more happier haha. Love him :)

Whoa, I completely went off topic haha. Oh well.

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Beau when we first got him :D

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Beau Now :)

Best cat in the world even if he does bite my ankles :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


I'm actually over my cold or whatever it was! :D
It lasted a whole week, it was terrible.
I couldn't even get out of bed.

But I'm all better now :)

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I can't help but smile at that picture :}