Saturday, July 31, 2010

I hate this

I'm sick as at the moment.
I can't stop coughing,
I have a blocked nose and my body hurts a bit.
Fuck sake.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

place I want to visit

I really wan't to go to Stockholm, Sweden.
Something about that place just makes me really curious about oing there.

too caffeinated to sleep

there's so much fucking bullshit going through my head right now and this mountain dew isn't helping.
my true blood dvd wont load on my laptop which is pissing me right off.
i'm in a fucking bad headspace at the moment.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

oh yeeeah

about to watch vampire diaries. how can I ? hahaha.

oh yeeeah

about to watch vampire diaries. how can I ? hahaha.

oh yeeeah

about to watch vampire diaries. how can I ? hahaha.

oh yeeeah

about to watch vampire diaries. how can I ? hahaha.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I am Sick

I have a annoying cold, which came out of no where.
I feel shit and my nose feels so blocked up.

Good thing though is that Mum came home from work but stopped at the library on the way and came home with a book called 'Graffiti Woman' for me, it's got some interesting pieces of art in it.

I think I might just listen to music for the rest of the afternoon and go onto wiki.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Jess, you're all I think about now.
Forever on my mind.
You're in my thoughts while I'm talking to another person.
For instance, I could be talking to someone about cheesecake and you'll be in my thoughts.
Its something I'm getting used to.

I keep thinking I'll see you at school, each day.
I'm always thinking I'll see you walking, down any street.
Then reality hits me again and I remember, I probably wont see you.
I get my hopes up.

I think I'm going to have an obsession with i-D magazine. It's super fantastic!
It's packed full of pictures and quirky things, and quite a few interviews with quirky/smart people. Love it!

I think I might start a journal, I like to think that if I started it now, in a few years if I'm still around since that's not promised to anyone, that I'll be able to see what I thought about things and to see if I still have the same emotions towards things that I might not have in a few years.

Also, just these last two weeks I'm starting to think that I'm actually rather smart.
I used to get people telling me how smart I was and I'd be embarrassed about it but now I actually take it as a compliment. Theres nothing wrong with being smart.

So yes, about the journal, since it's just the beginning of my 2 weeks holiday I really want to go to the shops near the beach and buy one. On saturday - tomorrow - I shall go and do that.

I really enjoy writing long blogs, I want to do this more often. It takes some weights off my shoulders.
I love how I can write what I'm thinking, it really does help me relax.

I think I'm going to have an early night tonight.

Ah, yes.
