Friday, August 27, 2010

At last;

I've gotten back from the doctors, turns out I should probably start going to counciling at school.
Then my doctor said if I feel like i'm not progressing and I still feel the same, then I will be referred on to someone else. Possibly pills or something. I dont know.

I want to keep track of these thing, it'd be good to read back onto this.

Make Me Happy

I have an appointment at the doctors fo 3pm today, so thats in about half and hour away.
I'm going to see if I can get something to help me feel more positive because somethings just not right with me at the moment.
I feel as if its just getting worse so if I can get some pills to make me not feel like crying each day like my mum has then, Oh man, would I take them!

I'm just waiting for mum to get home from work so we can go.

I'm nervous.


Friday, August 20, 2010

'Our Little Secret' by Allayne Webster

"Nothing ever happens in Wattleton - at least not without the whole town knowing.
Anne-Marie and Edwina have kept their secrets from everyone, and their secrets are the kind that will hurt - everyone.

A remarkable story of romantic dreams, guilt and fear. A story of exploitation and power.

A story every girl should read."

I just finished reading this book.
It was quite a sad book, but it did have some funny moments.
I actually found this book at the library on a display shelf and was inticed by the books cover, so I read that back and I wasn't too sure at first if I should get it but I opened the book up to a random page, read a little bit and decided I'd get it out.

This lil part of the book reminded me of a moment that I thought in my life 3 months ago:

"I placed the daisies by the graveside. I looked at the coffin. I couldn't connect with the idea that inside lay Anne-Maire's body that I would never see again."

"Why did she have to do this?
I had no answer. Only Anne-Marie knew the answer."

It's a book I could imagine being a really good movie.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Last night was Crazy!
First off I went to town with Desiree and Kayla, it wasn't very busy at all, to kill time.
Then we ended off bussing back to some guy desiree knew and stayed at his for a bit and had drinks there then we finally started walking to this Jack guys house for a gig after party, dude so many people were there and desiree told me that some chick got the end of her finger cut off from it getting a door slammed on it, or something like that.
I saw some people I hadn't seen in quite awhile,
Talked to a fair amount of randoms hah.
Met some really nice people who were so funny haha.
Some creepy huge gay guy touched me and all this crap happend then some chick i had met last night was saying I could tell the cops but it wasnt as bad as that makes it sound, I hope I never see him again, ugh.

OH, and pretty much the whole of last night/morning I went around telling the guy I like that I thought he was gorgeous as and i'm pretty sure I said something like he was the only one that could touch my boobs, I have no clue what I was thinking.

Oh well, you only live once.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010



Sunday, August 1, 2010

Oh yeah,

it's my birthday in 11 days

12 August .. woo hoo.