Monday, March 15, 2010


First Blog. Hmm, this is going to be interesting... Okay, this is such a stupid first post but whatevs.

Why is there such a thing?
It's been bugging me more than it ever has in my school life so far, I keep forgetting about it for every class. Most of my teachers mention it each lesson "You have until tomorrow morning to hand in your homework, no excuses."
I wish they'd stop with the bullshit, they know not everyones going to hand it in as most of us cant be fucked and have better things to do, haven't they gotten the message that no-one likes it and even the teachers couldn't be arsed to give us a mark for it.

It also annoys me so much when we get homework, or assignments, to do over weekends - OUR 'DAY OFF' if you'd call it - when we could be relaxing and doing what we want instead of keeping up with this schedule we only look at during the weekdays.

Even parents think its a waste of time but the 'board of trustees' or what not think otherwise. Do they want us to get even more stressed when we have to study for exams or end of semester tests.

Im not sure. Bleh.

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