Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ahhhh don't even know

I feel like shit. I feel like shit. I feel like shit.
Why am I still even friends with you even though you piss me off so much?
I hate the fact that you're obviously jealous of me sometimes and if not how vain do I sound right now.
I hate the fact that we told each other that later this afternoon we'd hang once I was finished seeing my cousins,
and that you finally got some money and that you'd pay me back my $5,
and I text you hopefully hearing back from you saying you want to meet up now but instead you're in town,
with our friend,
who is drunk.
You always bring me down if you haven't noticed with all the bullshit that happens between you and you're fucking friend who you say you REALLLLLY like one minute then the next you say you REALLLLLY can't stand him,
even though he treats you like a fucking baby and also likes to control you by saying who you can and can't hang with.

You were crying just last night at the bus stop because of how much he is a prick and so on, yet I see that you were hanging with him again today!

What the fuck man, make up your fucking mind already!

And stop deleting his number when I'm around and saying 'Oh yeah, i'm not going to talk to him again, promise!' then the next time i'm with you you've added his fucking number again!

Do you like the way how he talks to you like you're the problem with each argument you two have?!
I actually think you do to be honest.

And how you take so long to reply to texts I send you, I ALWAYS take time to reply to your texts you send me, ALWAYS!
you obviously don't do the same for me.

While we were walking back from seeing him and our other friends/people I know, you asked me something to do with him about what I thought of him, or something like that.
I said 'I fucking can't stand him, just how he trea-' i started getting teary eyed and I couldnt finish my sentence other wise I would've started crying, because I hate it how you guys argue and rant on at each other thru texts and facebook but when It comes to seeing each other again in person, he acts as if he's done nothing and that everyone should be happy.

I Care about you! O don't want to see you being treated like that by a guy! I like to think you deserve better than that but somehow I'm starting to think you don't, since you always go back to him and back to the ways he treats you. I guess you like how he brings you down all the time, makes you feel like shit. Yeah, that how everyone should be treated by their supposedly close friends, right?

I just don't know how much of you I cantake anymore, you're starting to become like the people who I don't ever like being around.

I'm sick of your shit to be quite fucking honest.